The number one thing holding your back from achieving your bucket list?
Your 9 to 5 routine.
Let’s consider your bucket list (Get started on that bucket list). There’s most likely a lot of extracurricular activities on there, many of which you’re probably trying to reconnect with because you’ve had to give them up due to time and money.
If you didn’t have to work, think of all the time you'd have to learn a new language, travel the world, have meaningful and regular relationships! I mean, truly, the list is endless
. Truth is, most of us don’t have the time or money needed in order to actualize our bucket list.
Your job shouldn’t be a life sentence; it should be your path to freedom. Tweetable
Let’s consider another aspect of your job; having zero energy to navigate through all the adulting that’s waiting for us when we get home. Your environment, the people you work with, the work you do and the satisfaction level you have at the end of the day determines what you have left to get shit done.
Transit, kids’ extracurriculars, planning AND making dinner, bills, household chores… all of these post-work tasks impact our desire, drive and energy to pursue anything over and above crashing on the couch and mindlessly diving into the next best series on Netflix.
Sorting out your work schedule is key to getting your bucket list in order. You’re spending a minimum of 40 hours a week dedicated to this one thing. Tack on the time spent pre and post your shift, and you’re looking at a large chunk of time dedicated to one singular aspect of your life.
So how much of your time does your job actually require? Let’s add it up!
Over the next 21 days, track and journal the time you’re spending as it relates to your job. Initially, all I want for you to consider is time sensitive behaviours. Don’t focus on the tasks you’re doing, just the time spent doing them.
Start with tracking the following:
Time you wake up - Time you leave for work
Transit time
Work Hours
Transit time
Prep for the next day*
*If you’re already doing this, good for you… you’re miles ahead of the rest of us.
*Bonus step*
While you’re at it, check in with your emotions at the end of each day. Use the GYRBB method (Pronounced Gur-bee) as a quick and easy method for self-reflection:
G - reen ~ I’m good
Y - ellow ~ I’m on the edge, but manageable
R - ed ~ I’m hot. I’m stressed out, but I can de-escalte the situation on my own.
B - lack ~ I’m not good. I need to ask for help and let someone know that I’m not well.
B - lue ~ This is extreme. I’m having a physical reaction, I need help and I need to remove myself from this situation. This is bigger than me.
After 21 days of committed tracking, block out some time to sit with your results and ask yourself the following questions:
What trends do you notice?
Are your before and after work behaviours affecting your mood?
Why do you think this is happening?
What small adjustments can you make to simplify your current routine?
This should help you get started with course correcting your work routine, opening up the time you need to get moving on all of those incredible experiences you're longing to enjoy.
I want to hear all about your #magicmoments,
so don’t forget to share your answers in the comment section!
Finding Duende,