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78 Pieces of Tarot - Deck Interview, Deviant Moon by Patrick Valenza

​I am so grateful to Nightshade Tarot for providing this incredible Tarot study. It's exactly what I've been looking for and needing, and truthfully, was looking to maybe create myself... but the work has already been done and I look forward to the next 18 months to see where this takes me.

I'm going to start the first 90 days with my Deviant Moon deck. It is my newest deck, and while I've been working with it already for a few months, I seem to only be working with the same handful of cards.

Let's get started!!

Deck Interview ~ 78 Pieces of Tarot, an in depth tarot study

How my deck sees me: Ace of Swords ~ smart, capable, determined and full of courage. Ready to see it through to the end.

Personality of the deck: 7 of Cups ~ Gregarious. Bold, artsy, bigger than life personality.

Strengths of the deck: The World ~ She is a survivor, she exudes success and encourages transformation.

How this deck will challenge me: V of cups ~ teach me to manage moments of despair

How this deck will change me: Ace of Wands ~ help me give birth to my passion project

How can I best work with this deck: Queen of Cups ~ Through creativity and emotional transparency


I feel like the Deviant Moon deck is going to be that MadMax type teacher/mentor that I've always wanted. Since I was a young lil starBurst, I've always been obsessed with MadMax type movies. I love the rawness of survival. Taking what you can and making it work, creating a new world with the broken pieces left from the last. I might just be the only person in history that loved WaterWorld (I silently squealed when I saw it at Universal a few years back). Deep in the shadows of these worlds, there is always someone with hope, someone who has the last seed on earth, protecting it at all costs. Someone with the wisdom of yesteryear, waiting for that special being that is going to ultimately connect with their destiny.

​​There is a lot of strength in this deck, as seen visibly with all the metalwork and forging. There is also a gentle human element in each card, a reminder and connection to humanity. Initially, the abrasive imagery scared me. Now I'm fascinated, it has spectacular moments. My energy related to the hardship I sensed in the characters... 'survival' it whispers to me.

To get to this point in my life, I've had to break down. Fortunately, not to the barest of my elements, as all my trauma/drama has been met with good health, thank the Goddess. In that way I feel like I connect with this deck, what didn't kill me (figuratively and literally) has made me stronger. I'm picking up the pieces and putting myself back together.

A few original pieces of self, I'll keep.

The other stuff I'm sure will land in my pocket along the way.

I look forward to patch-working myself back together,

keeping my humanity and protecting my force.

As I delve into the world of relationships and Tarot, I'm curious to see where this study and this deck will take me.

If you're someone who feels like they survived apocalyptic type events in relation to your marriage or relationship, I feel like this is going to be the deck for you. This journey is going to be for those of us who have survived the storm, still in love, still married, just smarter. Stronger. If you'd like a general reading from this deck, let's connect.

Finding Duende,

La Sweet Wife

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