To manifest the power of your Legacy,
you must be willing to find comfort in the dreams that broke along the way.
#inspiredbytarot | King of Autumn, Four of Autumn and the Three of Winter
Can you name the top 10 things on your bucket list?

I got to 10, rather quickly, and realized as with most things in my life, 10 just wasn't enough. There is so much to see, so much to do, and I've only got this one life to do it. If there is any theme that rings true for me in 2017, make money, save money, and spend it on memories meant to last a lifetime.
So here's my list, in no particular order, except number 1, that is at the top of my list:
1. Visit Ireland
2. Participate in a Cattle Drive Vacation
3. Lenny and MJB performance in Madison Square Garden
4. Attend a Victoria's Secret Fashion show
5. Attend New York Fashion week
6. Be an extra in a Western movie
7. Participate in a Ghost Hunt
8. Visit a Southern Black Baptist Church with choir
9. See a Flamenco performance in Spain
10. Visit New Orleans
The Yearly Bucket List Oath
I solemnly swear to create
Memories that last a
I vow to make an
Impression on the world,
not the couch.
I promise to dream about
Unrealistic goals.
And make them my reality.
~ Unknown ~
11. Archeological dig in the Middle East
12. Ballet performance in Moscow
13. Visit any ruins in South America
14. Help build a girls school in Africa
15. Complete the Canadian Death Race
16. Run a half marathon in each province
17. Become fluent in Dutch
So, what do you think? Are you surprised by any of my choices?
I'd love to hear your bucket list, what's the craziest thing on your list, and which one is the most attainable?
Finding Duende,
Amanda )o(