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Mapless and Unafraid - Working with the Knight of Earth

Amanda Konnik

I'm so glad that Tarot and I have reconnected. It's been a while. I've been in transition. A big one. And it's all thanks to the looming birthday that's just around the corner. Not a milestone this year, but a count down to a rather epic one.

A couple of things have happened since I've been between life moments. I've stopped using Facebook. I can't be bothered. I literally cannot deal with the stupidity on it, and I long to connect with people who have the same interests as me.

This has opened the door to freeing up my time to do some personal development. Yup. I admit. I have finally caved and am a PD junkie. But before you judge, here me out. I've defined what personal development means to me... access to information that is going to fill my curious and always searching GypsySpirit. #sidenote, I've been introduced to some pretty cool principles lately, and it is also 'that thing' that has reconnected me with Spirit.

I'm giving myself a gift for this upcoming birthday; I'm eliminating expectations. I'm totally and completely over goal setting. Of all people, in such a random and complete piece of SpiritWhisper, Iggy Pop summed up what 38 is going to look like for me: A time in my life where I am going to focus on the the things I love, and invest in the people who love me. I've always been a romantic, but I've never pursued that side of me. That side with no goals, deadlines, raison d'être's that need to be accomplished by a certain time. Just pure curiosity, indulgence, travel and an appreciation of abundance.

My bucket of failures is big and its full, and if I try to add anymore to it, it will spill with the poisons of my disappointments.

So instead, I turn to Tarot, and the things I love most. I'm just about to take that turn up ahead, and for the first time, I literally don't give a shit what's on the other side. I'm working this week with the Knight of Earth, and he fills me with the feeling of readiness. No map, but a keen sense of direction. I'll know when I get there, and I won't worry about the how's and when's. All I need to do is stop, smell the roses, take a few pictures of mushrooms (because I'm obsessed) and see where the trails take me.

Feel free to pack your bags and take this trip with me, or pick up what you need on the way. Either way, I'm cool. I got a new bucket and it's empty... I can't wait to fill it with the Good Life.



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