Meditating with your houseplants will organically help you on your path to recovery.
We live in a world where self care has been turned into spiritual plastic and fast fashion. The elitist and privileged packaging of creating a quiet and sacred space has been 'influenced' to represent unattainable wellness strategies, unless of course your dependant free, under the age of 35, financially privileged, and unbothered by appropriating every traditional practice you can possibly fit into an IG worthy photo.
A wholistic path to spiritual recovery outside of the millennial narrative may seem impossible at first, but it is as easy as sharing space with your houseplants.
When my family and I first moved back to Edmonton from Ottawa, my husband's aunt had gifted me a clipping of her Pothos ivy plant. Tanty shared with us that the plant was older than we were, making the plant in and around 40 years old at the time. She figured she'd propagated and gifted well over 100 pothos, linking so many of us to her heart space. Two years ago, Tanty passed away suddenly, leaving a hole and a devastating emptiness we still struggle to fill.
She's here with us, though, in our home... her pothos boisterously taking over in a way that brilliantly captures the essence of her energy. I often find myself fussing and preening over her leaves, making sure she's comfortable, healthy and vibrant. I find comfort in my quiet conversations with Tanty's ivy, the spark of our spirits soulfully vibing. Unfortunately, during the time of transition after her passing, her plants were left uncared for, heartbreaking knowing how much love and care went into her green beasties. I feel immense gratitude knowing I still have a piece of her passion, and it gave me great joy when I was able to gift a piece of it to her daughter. There's a passion project brewing within, as I look to continue her tradition of propagating and gifting.
#inspiredbytarot ~ Whenever I work with the 7 of Pentacles Tarot card, I am reminded to slow down and connect in the here and now by way of nurturing and caring for my houseplants. I feel like this card asks me to take pause, and genuinely assess my current situation. The 7 of Pentacles asks that you patiently tend to what you already have and quietly move through the seasons until you feel healthy, stable and energetically renewed.
Here's a 7 of Pentacles Tarot spread you can use to further elevate your path to healing and recovery.
*As a mom and wife myself, I strongly recommend setting aside a time when you can be unbothered by household fiends as they always seem to come out the woodwork
as soon as you a take a moment to sit*
You'll need a houseplant, a quiet space to sit and a glass of water
Optional ~ journal & pen, music or pre-recorded guided meditation, something to sit on
Step 1
Decide which houseplant you'd like to connect with, and create a comfortable space to sit. This doesn't need to be elaborate in anyway. I literally pull up my yoni stool, in sweats and a hoodie, and have a seat. The more comfortable you are, the deeper you'll be able to sink into recovery.
Step 2
Take a moment to connect with your plant on a surface level. Feel the texture of the leaves, notice the colours, bring about any memories that you may have associated to it, including when you bought it, or who gifted it to you. Consider any plant knowledge you might have, like it's origins, seasonal cycles, any taxonomy or botanical terms you might know of and any symbolism you might be aware of, medicinally, magically or folkloric. If you have your journal, write down any thoughts that come up or ideas that spark look-into-later guided messages.
Step 3
Once you've taken the time to quiet the mind and tap into the energy of your houseplant, take a moment, close your eyes and think of an intention or affirmation that you'd like to sit with while spelled under the healing effects of your houseplant. Feel free to write down your intention or affirmation, as you may want to work with it again.
Step 4
When you feel confident about the purpose and intention your calling in, pick up your glass of water, take a few deep breaths and intuitively infuse your glass with your intent. Place the glass down in front of you between yourself and your houseplant.
Step 5
Begin your meditation practice in whatever way you feel compelled. You may like to listen to music or a guided meditation, or it might be that you simply want to sit alone with your thoughts. Be aware of any visions or messages that come up, and write them down for consideration at a later time. Don't ignore the messaging coming through. I used to think the act of journaling while meditating was a distraction. Once I started the practice of writing things down, I realized the messages were powerful communications channelled from my ancestors.
Step 6
As you start to shift back into everyday life, thank your houseplant for their time and medicine. Reconnect with your intention, pick up your glass of water, have a drink and pour the rest of the water into your houseplant.
Finish your meditation with hand to heart and an earth based affirmation, such as
(feel free insert any nature based deity that you may work with):
"I am divinely protected by the power of Mother Earth."
As you begin to meditate and spend time with the different plants in your home, you'll begin to see that they all have a unique personality, offering a variety of sensations and mediative outcomes. For instance, I connect with animal spirit messaging when I sit under my umbrella tree (a few of you might catch that reference... and if you did, I see you, my fellow 90s brats). Sitting with my Chronos provides deep and vivid imagery. Tanty's Ivy makes me weepy and emotional.
It's an incredible experience if you allow yourself the time. Your plants will give back in the way of energetic recovery, providing you a source to come back to in times of need. I know when I'm in emotional distress, I need but sit with my Pothos and chill.
Recovery takes take time. Your houseplants can give you that time.
There may be affiliate links on my blog, helping me to my alter warm and ancestors happy.